Eyelash Lift & Tint

A natural look to transform your Lashes by volume and lift which will be customised for you and finished with your choice of coloured tint.

Individual Lashes - Full Set

A Full set of Individual lash extensions applied for a more natural look.

£55.00 Infills within two weeks - £30.00
Russian Lash Extensions

A full set of lash extensions for a more dramatic look.

£65.00 Infills within two weeks - £35.00
Eyelash Tint

*Please note all the above will require a test patch at least 24 hours prior to your first treatment.
Facial Waxing & Threading Treatments

Eyebrow Shape - £12.00
Eyebrow shape & tint - £18.00
Eyebrow tint - £9.00
Eyebrow & Eyelash tint and shape - £28.00
Upper lip or chin - £10.00
Upper lip & chin - £16.00
Face including lip & chin - £23.00
Germain de Capuccini Caci OPI Sienna X Amphora Aromatics